Karl Jay Music and Concerts - country music - triplelooker

Karl Jay Music and Concerts - country music - triplelooker




Karl Jay - Country Song Artist

Click on the pictures for a larger view

Karl Jay with his "custom Gibson Byrdland" guitar

The Early Years during the 1980's

Karl Jay with his "custom Gibson Byrdland" guitar and his 1946 Chevy touring van for gigs in Texas

Karl Jay country music
Karl Jay country music
Karl Jay country music
Karl Jay country music

Comments from Fans

  • "We want to hear you yodel!"..."Your yodel gives me goosebumps!"
    (comments from fans during concerts in Texas during 2004)

  • "He has a trained singing voice!"....Just listen to Karl Jay sing the Star-Spangled Banner!"
    (comments from fan at Veteran's Day Concert)

  • "Sounds like Orbison and Cash Combined"

  • "Picks like Willie Nelson and Roy Clark"

  • "Looks like Hank Williams Jr."

  • "Urban Contemporary, pop-crossover country music at its best!"

Contact us for booking information.


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